Science and Practice

Univversity Courses in Berlin, Mannheim and Beijing
Summer Semester has become the traditionally most intense time for practice-oriented academic teaching.
This holds for seminar „Berlin Montage 1920/2020“ (Klaus Siebenhaar) at the department of philosophy and humanities at the Freie Universität Berlin as well as for the seminar „Audience Development“ for young music business professionals at the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg in Mannheim (Achim Müller).
A specific challenge was posed by the 40-hour Zoom-seminar „Western Culture Management: Trends, Topics, Challenges“ at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), Beijing, as it combines content in multiple media formats with live streams of several hours, for example from Museum Island, the Humboldt Forum and the House of World Cultures (Haus der Kulturen der Welt) in Berlin as well as the documenta archiv in Kassel, with live discourse formats in Galerie Friese, Kulturprojekte GmbH or with the new managing director of the documenta, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoffmann, in Kassel (Klaus Siebenhaar/Achim Müller with guests like Jan Linders, Daniel Neugebauer, Moritz van Dülmen, Mona Stehle, Klaus-Gerrit Friese, Martin Groh, Dr. Matthias Henkel).