„Budapest x Berlin“-Project relaunched

The project series „Budapest x Berlin“, started in 2018 as a cooperation of IKMW with the Foundation Starke, Berlin, and the Eleven Blokk Art Foundation, Budapest, has been relaunched in September 2021. On September 10 the exhibition „Menschen und Städte. Kim Corbusier“ („People and Cities. Kim Corbusier“) opened in the Löwenpalais of Foundation Starke in Berlin, followed on September 26 by the action „Ausfegen 21“ („Sweeping Up 21“), the start to new urban development project St. Margret.
Both the works of Kim Corbusier, deceased at the age of 27, that are shown outside hungary for the first time, and the action „Ausfegen“ intensify IKMW’s postpandemic art projects.
At the occasion of the exhibition monopol published a comprehensive appraisal of Kim Corbusier.