Resarch and Publications

IKMW performs empirical research in the areas of arts, media and education. The scope of research ranges from visitor and user research across arts market research in national and international contexts to feasibility studies for projects and arts infrastructure, business sector analysis as well as research on trend in media/media cultures. Specifically this includes studies at the intersection of arts, technology, organization development and cultural communication/education (see TADE 21). Selected studies are published continuously.

Publications from the work of the IKMW

Klaus Siebenhaar: TV-Duell Höcke gegen Voigt: Medienexperte sieht eine „klaren Sieger nach Punkten“. Interview on 2024.

Achim Müller, Klaus Siebenhaar: Stadt – Theater – Publikum. Publikums- und Bevölkerungsstudie 2023 Niedersächsische Staatstheater Hannover. Berlin 2023
(You can download the Content pages here: Stadt-Theater-Publikum_Content)

Klaus Siebenhaar, Achim Müller (eds.): Timehouse: Where are we NOW? Booklet for the exhibition at the Löwenpalais Berlin. Berlin 2023.

Klaus Siebenhaar, Achim Müller: Real time Extended reality Applications and Languages to Innovate creative industries‘ Narratives – Impact Study and Policy Recommendations. Berlin 2022.
(You can download the Content page here: Real-In_Impact Study_Content)

Klaus Siebenhaar: Schlesinger-Affäre: So schafft man sich selbst ab. Berliner Morgenpost online, updated 15.08.2022.
(You can download the article here: Schlesinger-Affäre Großer Schaden für den RBB)

Klaus Siebenhaar: Cosmos Beuys. Art – World View – documenta. Berlin 2022.

Klaus Siebenhaar: Traum von der Teilhabe. Was Kulturinstitutionen zur Erhöhung ihrer
Reichweite leisten können – und was nicht. In: Museumsjournal, Issue 3/22.

Klaus Siebenhaar: documenta. Die Geschichte der Weltkunstausstellung. Berlin 2022.

Klaus Siebenhaar: Kosmos Beuys. Kunst – Weltbild – documenta. Peking/Berlin 2021.

Achim Müller, Klaus Siebenhaar: Kassel, seine städtischen Museen und ihr Publikum. Eine vergleichende Besucherstudie, Berlin 2020.

Klaus Siebenhaar, Achim Müller: Unternehmerische Kulturförderung in Deutschland, Berlin 2019.

Klaus Siebenhaar, Achim Müller: Opernsänger mit Zukunft! Karriereaussichten für Nachwuchssänger im deutschen Kulturbetrieb – Analysen, Erfahrungen, Empfehlungen, Gütersloh 2019.
(You can download the Content pages here: Opernsaenger mit Zukunft_Content)

Gunnar Bender, Ralf Herbrich, Klaus Siebenhaar (Hrsg.): Mit Optimismus in die Zukunft sehen. Künstliche Intelligenz – Chancen und Rahmenbedingungen. Berlin 2018.

Klaus Siebenhaar, Achim Müller: Bildung für die Praxis. Studiengänge für die Berliner Musikwirtschaft, Berlin 2018.

Achim Müller, Klaus Siebenhaar: European Theatre and the Public. Development, Orientations and Evidence, Berlin 2016.

Klaus Siebenhaar: Auftrag Publikum. Der Hochkulturbetrieb zwischen Audience Development und Ereignisästhetik, Berlin 2015.

Visitor Experience in Times of Renovation

Audience Research for the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe shows both Strengths and Challenges

In May 2024, the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe published the current audience study by the IKMW, the seventh in a long-term study that is unique in the German-speaking world since 2011. It combines results from the representative audience survey with 3,099 respondents (1,651 on site and 1,448 online) from May to July 2023 with in-depth findings from discussions with selected target groups that are particularly relevant for sustainable audience development: „inactive“ visitors whose last visits to the Badisches Staatstheater were more than a year ago, people with a migration background and representatives of schools and children’s and youth centers.

(Please find the study for download here.)

The results reflect trends across Germany as well as specific findings for the Badisches Staatstheater: The slightly increased proportion of people over 50 years of age (72.6%) shows the challenge of retaining younger people in the long term despite the pleasingly high proportion of first-time visitors (66.1% under 50).

The concert division shows one way to achieve this: Unlike in many other theaters, the Badisches Staatstheater succeeds in attracting an unusually large proportion of younger visitors (27.2% between 30 and 50) through the children’s, youth, special and jazz concerts that have been offered for a long time.

At the same time, the special care for subscribers during the CVID pandemic is paying off: An astonishing 34.8% of respondents stated that the visit on the evening of the survey was part of their subscription. Overall, however, the frequency of visits per respondent is decreasing, as is the national trend (8.3 % more than 12 visits in the last 12 months).

The challenge of decreasing visit frequencies is exacerbated by a fundamentally changed information and decision-making behavior, especially among inactive visitors and people with a migration background: cultural and leisure activities are increasingly being decided spontaneously within circles of friends and networks of „communities“. In the communication about this, increasingly purely via messengers such as WhatsApp or Telegram, more detailed information from providers such as the Badisches Staatstheater hardly appears anymore.

While communication and decisions are increasingly shifting to semi-private digital and hybrid spaces, there is also a strong need for an all-round fulfilling overall experience when visiting an institution such as the Badisches Staatstheater, for atmosphere and quality of stay, for spaces for „conviviality“ and community. Thus, with the lower satisfaction with the atmosphere in the wake of the construction work in the Badisches Staatstheater and criticisms regarding the catering, satisfaction with the house as a whole is also falling slightly.

At the same time, the study, shortly before Christian Firmbach’s directorship begins, also shows the solid anchoring of the house among its audience: Due to the largely stable satisfaction with the artistic offering and improved values ​​for some service areas, overall satisfaction remains at a satisfactory level despite the impairments caused by the renovation (90.0% are „satisfied“ or „very satisfied“).

Curtains shut? Curtains up!

Lecture at Conference of the Evangelische Akademie Loccum

For two days the conference „Vorhang zu?“ („Curtains shut?“) at the Evangelische Akademie Loccum convened representatives of theatres, scientists and journalists, discussing future perspectives and roles of theatres – with a specific focus on the situation in the state of Lower Saxony. (Find the conference’s agenda to download here: Vorhang zu_Agenda)

From the research and publications of the IKMW, Klaus Siebenhaar contributed central trend in composition, behaviour and expectations of theatre audiences – together with recommendations regarding the choice of target groups, programming policies, enhancing atmosphere and visitor’s experience as well as state-of-the-art communication with the post-pandemic public. (Find the slides for the lecture to download here: Vorhang auf_Loccum_24-01-16)

Theatre and Audience in Transition

Seventh Audience Survey for the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe

From May to Oktober 2023 the IKMW realised the now seventh audience survey for the Badische Staatstheater Karlsruhe. The study is the latest part in a longitudinal research that is unique in German-speaking countries in its depth and continuity.

For the representative audience survey visitors could either fill in a print questionnaire distributed at the entrance to the theatre or answer the identical online version. In addition three target groups with specific relevance for the sustainable development of future audiences were analysed in depth with nine focus group discussions: „inactive“ visitors, whose last visit was more the one year ago, foreigners and persons with a migrant background as well as teacher from different types of school and representative of child and youth centres.

Results will be published by the Badisches Staatstheater in Spring 2024 and will document, whether the challenges to theatres identified in the recent study of IKMW for the Niedersächsische Staatstheater Hannover – the enduring abstinence of many visitors after the cut caused by the COVID pandemic; the increasingly volatile and multi-optional decision-making about cultural and leisure activities and the communication and decision patterns of generations Y and Z that are more and more confined to the „closed“ worlds of messenger apps  – affected this other large German citiy and state theatre also.

In times of growing audience expectations regarding a welcoming, „feel-good“ atmosphere an additional focus will be on the impact of the construction activities within the large-scale restoration and restoration of the state theatre on visitor’s experience and satisfaction – as well as on measures that can be deduced for the time until the end of constructions in 2034.

City – Theatre – Public

Audience and Population Study for the Niedersächsische Staatstheater Hannover published

The Niedersächsische Staatstheater Hannover are one of the most long-standing and largest German Three-Genre-Theater houses, exemplary for artistic diversity and proximity to citizens. Not least because of this it has commissioned this study that is now available as a book.

It is the first comprehensive post-pandemic research, including both the general population and the audience encountered in the performances. It gives insight into the theatre audience’s socio-demographic profiles, residencies and motivations, but also into new orientations or preferences of former visitors.

Beyond the example of the Niedersächsische Staatstheater the research conveys valuable general data-based and contextualized findings for regaining inactive are newly acquiring abstinent target groups.

At the Niedersächsischen Staatstheater Hannover the IKMW together with several departments have already begun to develop concrete measures from the research, to prepare and accompany their implementation. The results are now at hand, the work in the theatres can begin.

The book is available at B&S Siebenhaar Verlag+Medien:

Achim Müller und Klaus Siebenhar:
Stadt – Theater – Publikum
Publikums- und Bevölkerungsstudie 2023
Niedersächsische Staatstheater Hannover

ISBN: 978-3-949111-15-0
25,00 Euro | 34,80 CHF

„Bürger-Stimmen“ – „People’s Voices“

Like few other art event the documenta fifteen is dividing the public: A very critical, sometimes scandal-evoking media public is facing a public of visitors „on site“ in Kassel that is rather characterised by curiosity, openness and an exploratory mindset.

Commissioned and supported by the „Bürgerbündnis documenta fifteen“ (Citizens‘ Alliance documenta fifteen), this setup was incentive enough for the IKMW to give the visitors‘ and citizens‘ voices a possibility to express themselves through interviews, reports and essayistic text on a curated website.  In the course of the last weeks of documenta and in the months to come they will for the first time grow into a work-in.progress „citizens‘ book.


Double Live – Publication in Autumn 2022

Publication from research project of IKMW on perspectives for a digilog theatre practice

In Autumn 2022 results from the research project „Double Live“ will be published at B&S Siebenhaar Verlag+Medien. The book will merge the findings from qualitative interviews with numerous key players in the theater sector of German-speaking countries on the impact and coping strategies during and after the COVID-19 pandemic with exiting studies and data and submit it to an in-depth analysis.

Specific focus will be put on recommendations and best-practice examples for „digilog“ strategies and formats, complementing the still viable analog pratice of theater with state-of-the-art and sustainable digital and hybrid formats – ranging from programming and education through communication and distribution to organization development, competence buildung and necessary technical infrastructure.

Municipal Museums Kassel are „Museums for Everyone“

IKMW shows relevance for city society and region in most comprehensive study on municipal museums

From March 2019 to January 2020 the IKMW together with the Museum of Natural History and the City Museum Kassel questioned the visitors of these two museums in the most comprehensive visitor survey on municipal museums in Germany to date. 3.721 completed surveys give a detailed image of the audience structure, its visiting behavior, expectations and satisfaction with the museums.

The results show that the population of Kassel and the surrounding region is perfectly represented in the museums‘ audiences. The two museums – among the 10% most successful museums of their type in Germany according to their visitor numbers – are „museums for everyone“.

Large shares of young visitors, wide reach, also beyond the region, and very high levels of satisfaction – the indicators give hope that the two museums will continue to motivate the population of the city and the region in all its diversity to get in touch with natural and city history.

The study „Kassel, seine städtischen Museen und ihr Publikum. Eine vergleichende Besucherstudie“ can be purchased at retailers oder directly at B&S Siebenhaar Verlag.

This is the press information on the publication.

Corporate Funding of Arts and Culture in Germany

Presentation of new study by IKMW and the Kulturkreis der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.

Along with the comprehensive public financing of art and culture, private funding also contributes to maintaining and expanding of the cultural infrastructure in Germany that is exemplary in its quantitity and quality. Enterprises and entrepreneurs stand in a long tradition of philanthropic engagement and are conscious about their societal responsibility while doing so. How is the status quo of the practice of funding, its motives, concepts and strategies in a changing cultural and societal surrounding marked by transformations? Which topics, with cultural sectors are preferred by private funding of art and culture? Which societal requirements or deficits and problems are enterprises answering to?

After its first study on corporate funding of culture more than ten years ago the Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e. V. (Association of Arts and Culture of the German Economy at the Federation of German Industries e. V.) together with the authors Klaus Siebenhaar and Achim Müller from the Institute for Arts and Media Industries Berlin provide answers to these questions. To do so enterprises in Germany from all sectors have once again been surveyed. Along with quantitative and qualitative surveys this second study for the first time includes an analysis of applications to the Deutschen Kulturförderpreis (Art Sponsorship Award). Beyond this another the focus of the analysis lies with overarching recommendations for the future practice of funding arts and culture.

The study has been presented by Dr. Franziska Nentwig, Managing Head Kulturkreis together with Klaus Siebenhaar and Achim Müller, IKMW, in the Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Berlin on October 22, 2019.

Frederik Hanssen writes about the study in the Tagesspiegel.

Hans Böhringer gives an insight into it in the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung .

The book can be ordered at B&S Siebenhaar Verlag+Medien among other sources.