New directions in familiar areas Das IKMW expands personally und thematically
The IKMW expands and enlarges its portfolio in the direction of academic training in the areas arts and media administration and cultural and media education. Academic training for young leaders from organizations in the arts and creative industries, summer schools for students, campus development and lecture programs are conceived and realized in cooperation with the National University of Mongolia in Ulan Bator and the Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen. The existing lecture obligations with the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in Beijing and the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg in Mannheim are continued, as well as the lectures of Klaus Siebenhaar as Professor at the Freie Universität Berlin.
For the new analog and digital training projects in the area of cultural and media education the IKMW enlarges its team with the internationally experienced project developer and manager Stephan Reischl. Together with Dipl. päd. Dagmar Boeck-Siebenhaar he will develop and lead this area. First programs are planned for autumn and winter 2021.
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“Mission: Audience” in Times of Multiple Crises
Second edition of Book on Sustainable Audience Development
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Audiences – a Journey from Antiquity to the EURO 2024
Innovative hybrid Zoom seminar for the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing
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Visitor Experience in Times of Renovation
Audience Research for the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe shows both Strengths and Challenges
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Curtains shut? Curtains up!
Lecture at Conference of the Evangelische Akademie Loccum
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Theatre and Audience in Transition
Seventh Audience Survey for the Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe
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City – Theatre – Public
Audience and Population Study for the Niedersächsische Staatstheater Hannover published
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A Visit by old Friends
First Chinese Group from the Central Academy of Arts (Peking) since Corona in Berlin
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Science and Practice
University Courses in Berlin, Mannheim and Beijing
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Timehouse: Where are we NOW?
Chinese-German Exhibition in the Löwenpalais, Berlin
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In the Laboratory of Modernity
„Modernity – Postmodernity – Contemporary“ – Online-Seminar with excursion and exhibition project at the CAFA, Beijing
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Not for teachers only
Didactic materials and selected original texts to the project ‘Sophie Scholl – (Hi)Stories of Courage’
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„Tell me, Peru“
German as second Language Dance Teatre – Pilot Project 2022
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„Bürger-Stimmen“ – „People’s Voices“
IKMW research on the documenta
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Fascination and Controversy
Exhibition and Discussion on the documenta
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documenta fifteen – in the Eye of the Hurricane
International digilog Seminar on the world art exhibition
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For „50%“ not to remain the „New Sold Out“
Audience Development-Workshop for the Deutscher Bühnenverein
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Beuys travels in China
Successful Exhibitions in Shanghai and Chengdu after first stop in Guangzhou/Canton
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Pop in the Curriculum in Summer of 2022
Live Seminars at Freie Universität Berlin and Popakademie Baden-Württemberg
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Art heals!
Hungarian-Chinese-German „Art Clinic“ opened in Budapest
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Together after Corona!
Second Open Space-Workshop at the Landestheater Tübingen
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„Back to the Present“ – Kosovo Project 2021
German-as-a-Foreign-Language (‚DaF‘) documentary theatre performance and new contributions to VR exhibition
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TUP Essen on Track towards Future
IKMW accompanies exemplary Change Process
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Impact and success factors of Extended Reality in Arts and Creative Industries
Impact study for EU-funded cooperation project REAL IN
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Online-Seminar „Curated City“ at the CAFA Beijing
Cooperation project Beijing-Berlin-Budapest established
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„Sophie Scholl – (Hi)Stories of Courage“
Innovative project in cultural and media education in Southeast Europe realized
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Ausfegen/Sweeping up
Beuys-hommage at the start of Budapest project „Curated City: Cultural and Urban Development“
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„Budapest x Berlin“-Project relaunched
Project series continued with exhibition in Berlin and action in Budapest.
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Headquarter Löwenpalais
New office in Grunewald offers expanded possibilites and cooperations.
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